We’ve all seen an Arnie movie – and we’ve all seen his physique. From this fact alone many people associate lifting weights with huge, bulky men. In order to gain size, lifting weights must be combined with the correct diet, supplements and training regime. Lifting weights can benefit almost every person from all walks of life – the elite athlete, office worker, seniors, men, women and also children (to an extent). Through the correct understanding of exercise physiology and coordination with individual goals, lifting weights can fast-track your achievements.
How weight training can benefit:
- The average person – weight training has been shown to aid in the recovery of depression. The release of endorphins and other antidepressant chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine allows us to feel relieved of pain and generally lighten our moods. As well as this, the quick results that result from weight training provide a sense of achievement found to be empowering (especially for women). Aside from this, weight training increases the body’s basal metabolic rate which promotes long term fat loss. But, the most notable effect of correct weight training is the general improvement of functional activities. Through enhancing strength and flexibility, people find they are more physically capable in everyday activities.
- Seniors – weight training is quite possibly the most beneficial to seniors with problems such as osteoporosis and sarcopenia affecting thousands. Through lifting weights and increasing bone and muscle mass, seniors can combat these symptoms as well as reducing the risk of everyday injury by building stronger muscles, tendons and ligaments. A qualification in Exercise Physiology is the most appropriate for the variety of physical and health conditions which seniors regularly suffer from.
- Athletes – athletes tend to focus on their specific sport, for example to become a better boxer, you spar and focus on ring and pad work. To become a better cyclist you ride – and so on. Weights actually compliment these activities to increase the maximum ability of the athlete. For example a track sprint cyclist will incorporate exercises such as squats, dead lifts and snatch/clean and jerk into an already filled program of long slow rides and on track sprints.
To improve your overall health and reap the benefits of weight training your local exercise physiologist in Brisbane will be able to get you on the right path. Give your local personal trainer Brisbane a call and get started today!