Veterans should speak to their General Practitioner to discuss whether their health condition(s) entitles them to a DVA referral.
The aim of DVA funded Exercise Physiology is to:
- assess the entitled person and design an individualised exercise program that addresses their referred clinical condition
- provide the entitled person with the skills to manage the exercise component of their treatment on their own, through exercise.
An Accredited Exercise Physiologist can treat a DVA entitled person who has both :
- a referral from their medical practitioner, medical specialist or hospital discharge planner which includes a diagnosis informing of the patient’s condition requiring clinically necessary treatment
- a Gold Card for all conditions or a White Card where the referral for treatment is for a war caused or service related condition accepted by DVA.
Further information about DVA funded allied health service can be found on the Department of Veterans Affairs website.
GPs can find further information about referring Veterans to Exercise Physiology here.